Are there different types of gum disease?

Types of Gum Disease: Stages, Factors & Conditions

Yes, there are different types of gum disease. More accurately, there are different stages of gum disease. Gum disease is more commonly known as periodontal disease. If left untreated patients may experience pain and tooth loss.

Proper home dental care can prevent different types of gum disease. However, some may need more professional help and treatment. This is why it’s always important to visit your dentist at least twice a year for checkups. Before we move further let’s define gum disease.


Defining Gum Disease

Before we dive into the different types of gum disease, let’s first define it. In the early and mild stages, gum disease is known as gingivitis. However, if left untreated your gingivitis could turn into periodontitis. Further, there are many forms of periodontitis. All of them caused by bacteria buildup between gums and teeth.

Now that we know the two different types of gum disease let’s define them clearly and investigate subtypes.


Different Types of Gum Disease – Gingivitis

As stated above, gingivitis is the mildest form of gum disease. It involves inflammation of the gums. Additionally, it is usually caused by a sticky film of bacteria along the gumline. Factors like smoking, diet, age, and family history can all contribute to gingivitis.

Below are some common symptoms:

  • Mild pain or discomfort
  • Teeth that look longer due to receding gum line
  • Sores
  • Sensitive gums that bleed, especially during brushing and flossing
  • Red or swollen gums
  • Persistent bad breath

The good news is that it is usually reversible with proper hygiene practices and regular dental cleaning. If you’re experiencing any of the above, you may want to contact your dentist and book an appointment. Remember, at this stage it is fairly easy to reverse. Especially with a good dental cleaning.


Different Types of Gum Disease – Periodontitis

If you are unable to address gingivitis, it will graduate to periodontitis. As far as the different types of gum disease go, periodontitis and its subcategories are more severe. As an example, periodontitis involves the inflammation and destruction of the supporting tissues around the teeth, including the bone and ligaments.


Periodontitis – Chronic Periodontitis

Chronic Periodontitis is the most common type of periodontitis. Further, it progresses slowly over time. Patients can experience loss of tooth-supporting bone and gum attachment. Also, chronic periodontitis can affect people of all ages. Lastly, it is characterized by pocket formations between the teeth and the gums.


Periodontitis – Aggressive Periodontitis

To begin, this type of periodontitis often occurs in otherwise healthy people. Next, this stage leads to rapid bone destruction and attachment loss. It usually affects younger people.


Periodontitis As a Manifestation of a Systemic Disease

While periodontitis occurs more commonly in young and older adults it can occur in children. Often, children and adolescents will experience periodontitis as a manifestation of a systemic disease.

Diseases that can cause it include:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Respiratory disease
  • Genetic disorders
  • Hematologic disorders like leukemia

Communication between the dentist, the patient and the patient’s physician is critical to ensuring successful treatment of patients with hematological disorders.


Different Types of Gum Disease – Conclusion

So, you folks wanted to know if there are different types of gum disease, and we answered yes! We have talked about the milder stage of gingivitis and how proper oral hygiene and care can reverse it.

However, we also dove deeper into periodontal disease and its different stages. We discussed how serious it can be. Fortunately, with modern science and a good dentist, you can find great treatment options.

If you feel you might be experiencing one of the different types of gum disease, we highly encourage you to contact your dentist.

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