5 Tips for a Healthy Holiday Smile

                                ‘Tis The Season To A Healthy Holiday Smile              Healthy Holiday Smile

It’s the time of year to be Merry & Bright. With all the Christmas sweets, gift wrapping, and spending time with loved ones, it can be difficult to take the time out of our busy schedules to take care of our teeth. Here are some easy methods to keep your smile healthy this holiday season.

Brush Your Teeth Regularly

The common go-to when you hear about dental health. It is very important to brush your teeth, especially during the time of year where we eat holiday treats the most. Brushing your teeth at least twice-a-day helps refresh and clean your pearly whites. Plus, tooth brushes make good stocking stuffers!

Floss Like A Boss

Sometimes brushing your teeth isn’t enough. Toothbrushes are mostly effective for the front and back surfaces of your teeth. Flossing helps get in-between the teeth and the gums in places you didn’t know food can get stuck in. You can also purchase small floss containers on the go. Carrying dental floss with you can be very convenient and a great oral habit. After eating sugary treats, the sweet sensation of flossing is almost the same as eating a minty candy cane.

Limit Sugary & Gummy Candies

During the holiday season, it can be very tempting wanting all of the sweets. From homemade Christmas cookies to festive chewy gummies, it can be easy to say “one more piece won’t hurt”. The key is to limit ourselves on the sweet temptations. Avoiding our favorite treats during this merry season can be self torture for us sweet tooth folks. Although, having a plan and knowing how many pieces of snickerdoodles you would like will not only benefit our teeth but also our overall oral health. We cannot avoid the holiday treats, But just take a moment to limit our portions.

Visit Your Dentists Regularly

Our oral health is very important. Going to the dentists for regular checkups should be on our yearly to-do list. Before the holidays arrive, try to visit the dentist for cleanings or for a checkup. One of the main reasons why people avoid the dentists is the anxiety of sitting through the appointment. At our Dental office, we strive to make our patients feel comfortable and happy. To learn more about dental anxiety and how to overcome it, read about 4 Ways To Reduce Dental Anxiety.

Invisalign – Healthy Holiday Smile

This Christmas season, ask Santa for a cheery smile with Invisalign. Help transform your smile in the most comfortable way with Invisalign. To learn more about our amazing product check out our Invisalign Information and book a free consultation today!

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