How To Remove Red Wine Stains from Your Teeth?

How To Remove Red Wine Stains from Your Teeth

Why Does Wine Sometimes Stain Your Teeth Immediately?

Have ever wanted to know how to remove red wine stains from your teeth? If you like to drink red wine, you may have noticed that sometimes your gums, teeth and/or tongue turn red. But why is that? This same occurrence can happen when drink things like red or blue Gatorade.

So, this begs the question, are these beverages causing your gums, teeth and/or tongue to change color or is it you? Turns out it can be from either the drink or the drinker. First, let’s talk about the drinker. It’s important to know that red Gatorade isn’t turning your pearly whites red. In fact, it’s turning the plaque on your teeth into a red color.

However, some drinkers may have clean teeth that are plaque-free. Why do their teeth change color? That could be because they just had a carb heavy food. For example, a graham crack or bread. Foods high in carbs tend to stick around in your mouth, on places like your teeth. That film made of carbs is what the wine color is attaching to.


How Age Can Affect Red Wine Stains on Your Teeth:

Unfortunately, as we get older our teeth start to wear and tear. This can lead to small cracks on your teeth. Further, these cracks make it easier to absorb the red color. Which is why we recommend nightguards. Nightguards help protect your teeth from grinding during your sleep. Further, there are many preventative measures you can take to prolong the natural wear and tear of your teeth.


Dry Mouth – How To Remove Red Wine Stains from Your Teeth?

Saliva helps neutralize the PH in your mouth. Additionally, as we age, we tend to become more susceptible to dry mouth. This is due to fact the older folks take more medications, and many of these medications cause dry mouth.


How Do You Prevent Red Wine Stains from Your Teeth?

We’ve gone over many different causes that can lead to red wine staining your teeth. But how do we tackle this issue? The Best way to prevent getting red wine stains from your teeth is to brush your teeth after every meal. This decreases the amount of plaque on your teeth. Less plaque means less places the red color can attach to.

What if you have already started drinking?

Once you’ve started on that first glass of red wine, there are additional things you can do to help keep your smile bright:

  • Sip on water between drinks to better remove any stain-causing particles from tooth surfaces.
  • Eat foods high in fiber, such as broccoli or spinach, to increase saliva production to further wash away any stains.
  • Avoid mixing drinks especially white wine before red—the acid in white wines can further erode enamel allowing the pigments from the red to stick around even easier.



Pro Tip – How to Remove Red Wine Stains from Your Teeth?

Don’t brush your teeth right after drinking red wine. Wait at least thirty minutes. Why? To give your enamel time to recalcify. Further, you might brush the stains in, if you were to brush too soon. To help remove stains  from your teeth you could also schedule a cleaning as well as a teeth whitening appointment.

If you want to buy products like teeth whitening toothpaste that dentist’s trust, the check out our products page.



If you have ever wanted to know how to remove red wine stains from your teeth, we hope this article helped out. Remember that there are many preventative measures we can take. Check out our preventative dentistry page to learn more.

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